Graphic screen

Motorized graphic screen is a 4 x 4m big screen that can be lowered from its construction when needed for laser graphics show.Unlike a holographic screen projection, graphic screen projections are brighter in intensity and more visible. Light beams don’t pass through it which makes the graphics visibility far better. It can be used for front and back projections and since it is dark in color, it can’t be seen in darkness and it can be used as a visual barrier for curious audience members. Therefore, the scene that will be unveiled by its raising will be even more magnificent. Audience will applaud the unveiling of the splendor that was hidden just moments before.

Golden needle, a trades and crafts show that was broadcasted live via Croatian radiotelevision made use of graphic screen in a very special way. While models were parading designer clothes, when the last model left the stage, a graphic screen would lower down and a laser needle would write the name of the next designer. Then the screen would raise and a new fashion show would begin. Modern Croatian design deserved to be presented in such a way.

Laser Show light attractions

Prolight is the first company in Croatia to start working with lasers, and today it is the only one to work with professional quantum laser systems.


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